Case Study

How Phipps Cameron worked with OneUp to boost engagement and increase transparency

Phipps Cameron is a specialist recruitment business that works with fast growth and rapidly changing organisations in three core divisions; Finance Leadership, Corporate Development and M&A, Strategy and Transformation for permanent and Interim roles across the UK and Europe. 






30 Reps



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Phipps Cameron are using a specialist CRM to log all their data, track performance, and understand their recruitment pipeline.

But as is the case with most agencies, there’s a catch — they faced huge challenges with their CRM reporting.

Access to data wasn’t real-time and the data that was available in the system was hard to understand.

This meant that ultimately reporting became very labour-intensive and manual.

The process relied heavily on spreadsheets (something that too many in the recruitment industry are familiar with!) leading to a lack of transparency, accuracy, and efficiency in reporting.

Most critically, this meant they were restricted in what they could report on.

The impact?

For team leaders, rep performance and productivity wasn’t what it could be due to the lack of engagement from the team as a result of the complexity of the tools being used.

For senior management, there was a lack of transparency into business performance, speed into getting insights, and accuracy and trust in the data. Even basic data points such as trends were difficult to view.

Everyone was struggling.


Phipps Cameron needed a reporting solution that provided them with accurate data they could trust and, most importantly, was easy to use.

They decided to implement OneUp to overcome their reporting challenges.

It was an easy decision. OneUp’s direct integration with Vincere and the ability to view data in real-time was critical.

In addition, OneUp’s user-friendly dashboards provided the ability to present clear, transparent, and dynamic information to the entire organisation — helping reps deliver better performance and senior management to understand business performance.

The team embraced it instantly due to the clarity and simplicity of the system.

Thanks to the dashboards, the team appreciated being able to see the instant impact of their work.

And with multiple offices, sharing leaderboards and deal celebrations on TV screens helped the distributed team feel connected.

What’s more, this sense of togetherness also fielded some healthy competition between the teams.

Phipps Cameron now use OneUp for all their reporting. At the rep level this means real-time KPI tracking and reporting and, for senior management, OneUp is used for board level revenue reporting.

The Head of Operations, Shane Richardson, highlighted the flexibility and simplicity of OneUp as one of the key factors in their decision.

The accuracy of the reporting is essential to us. So that's helped us understand our pipelines better. It's helped us to understand people's performance better.


The implementation of OneUp has resulted in improved performance, productivity, and culture within the company.

OneUp has helped push Phipps Cameron to make more data-driven decisions. Performance has become more targeted, with team members openly discussing figures, successes, and best practices.

I was in a team meeting the other day and they had OneUp on the screen and they were openly talking about people's figures for the week before. And that's what we do when we go into the performance reviews now. It's not just — have you hit your KPIs? We dig down into what is working, what's not working, what's changed, and are there trends across the team?

In addition, CRM compliance has improved and Phipps Cameron streamlined processes by taking workload away from manager and reps, who can now focus their time on activities that drive performance.

Activities have become far more targeted. Our team works very hard, they're very committed. But using OneUp has meant that there's a general understanding of how team performance is important, and how personal performance is important.

As an added bonus, the customer service provided by the OneUp team was second to none. The team focussed on understanding Phipps Cameron’s challenges and ensuring they implemented OneUp in a way that provided all the reporting requirements from the start.